Every day fresh

Still in the sea yesterday, on your plate this evening

Fish is an extremely healthy food, rich in vitamins A, D and B12, and the minerals chromium, fluorine, iodine, selenium and zinc. Eating fish, shellfish or crustaceans at least twice a week has a favourable effect on a person’s health and decreases the chance of heart and vascular diseases. Furthermore, many species of fish are a culinary delicacy! But before the fish is on your plate, a great deal of work has already been carried out.

Fishing vessels are fitted out nowadays with the latest equipment. From navigation to sounding sensors, and from electronically controlled nets and cranes to filleting equipment and cold stores. There are also numerous technically high-quality facilities, geared to specific species of fish.

When the fish have been caught and possibly sorted and processed on board the fishing vessel, they are offered in the harbour for the fish auction. The fish are graded at the auction and put into marketable consignments.

The graded consignments receive a number under which they are offered for sale. The auctioneer suggests a (high) starting price and whilst on the auction clock the price falls lower and lower, the merchants can indicate, by pressing a button, at which price they want to buy the relevant consignment.

The fish is now in the hands of a wholesale buyer, maybe for the wholesale trade or a retail trader such as a fishmonger or the wholesale buyer for a restaurant. In owned or hired commercial vehicles with refrigerated freight space the fish is taken to a distribution centre, a shop or restaurant. Sometimes the fish also goes to a processing company, where, for example, it is filleted, coated with breadcrumbs, portioned or frozen.

Retail trade
Now the fish can go to the consumer. To the refrigerated displays in a fishmonger’s shop or to the kitchen of a restaurant.

Fried, boiled, grilled or even raw… each kind of fish has its own applicability. And whether you yourself now succeed in cooking gourmet food or leave the preparation to the chef of a fish restaurant, a tasty fish is always good!

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