Sustainable Fishing for now and later The Sea as a natural provider of food For years and years man has lived of what is found in our seas, as a natural source of food. But no matter how abundant the sea is in food, without a policy the natural balance would very soon be upset. The sea, notably the North Sea, is a vulnerable environment and good regulation is necessary due to intensive shipping traffic, extraction of gas and oil, recreation, wind turbine farms and fishing. Therefore it is important also for the Zeeland Fish Auctions to act responsibly towards the sea and everything that lives in the sea. Sustainable Fishing means undertaking, according to a long-term vision, a continual investment in research and in this way ensuring that the sea will continue to be maintained as a source of food, but also as a nature reserve for all the generations that will come after us. What is Zeeuwse Visveilingen BV doing for sustainable fishing? • Close contact with all the interested agencies • Assisting with research into improvement and conservation of the state of fish • Consultation with all parties who oversee the maintenance of the fish quota • Promoting and encouraging initiatives for improvement of sustainable fishing • Managing energy sustainably in buildings e.g. refrigerating plant and lighting Natural Environment and the Economy Zeeuwse Visveilingen BV obviously also has an economic interest. A good product demands expansion of the market, and the more that the awareness of healthy eating increases, this sector has to actively formulate the beneft for itself and competitively within the food industry Finding the exact balance between a well-thought out policy for the natural environment and these social and economic interests, is not always easy. Precise reports, adequate research and stringent government measures play an important role. In this area of tension the policy of Zeeuwse Visveilingen BV is geared at all times to health, in the broadest sense of the word. Economically healthy, with regard to the Zeeland fleet and the fisheries in general, and healthy for the natural environment and the inner person, such as healthy eating, healthy fish in a healthy sea.
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